Legal notice

Website published by Monica Förster Design Studio (“MFDS”)

Monica Förster Design Studio
Björngårdsgatan 14 A
SE-118 52 Stockholm
T. +46 8 611 22 09

The content of this website is protected by the Swedish Act on Artistic and Literary Works and international intellectual property laws.

MFDS has the exclusive rights to the structure, drawings, texts, and graphics of this website, as well as the products depicted, the product names, the trademark “Monica Förster Design Studio” and Monica Förster’s name and profile.

The downloadable pictures are available for use by the press, provided the user includes a copyright notice to the photographer/producer and refer to Monica Förster or Monica Förster Design Studio. Any other reproduction, communication, exhibition, sale or distribution of any element listed in the previous paragraph requires MFDS’ prior authorization. Unauthorized use will expose its author to criminal liability and claim for damages.